Midland ChannelMidland Channel

Our Expertise


Set-up the facility and infrastructure, staff the development center, and establish knowledge transfer.


Manage the offshore organization: Program Management, Development, QA, maintenance, enhancements, and product support.


Register a new offshore subsidiary for the customer, transfer assets, and handover operations.


Benefit Spectrum:

Logical / Tactical Benefits:
  • Improve overall quality & performance
  • Add newer functions and services
  • Quick  ramp up/down
  • Work around lack of internal resources
  • Resource pool availability for sudden needs
Strategic Benefits:
  • Improve Business Focus
  • Access to world class capabilities
  • Accelerated Re-engineering
  • Optimal resource utilization
  • High flexibility
  • Internal, efficient 3rd eye partner
  • Shared Risks
  • Efficient transition from Legacy to Current
Financial Benefits:
  • Reduce costs, by 50% or more
  • Free up capital funds for other use
  • Convert fixed costs to variable costs
  • Work around lack of internal resources

How it works:

  • Understand client’s needs for an ODC
  • Cost-Management, Strategic requirements amongst strong areas apart from having a well laid out plan for Space Configuration, Resources (H/w, S/w), Hiring
  • Various options to control costs
  • International experience with Global operating model
  • Engineering, HR, Legal, Support centre along with management oversight provided with a flexible pricing model
  • Consistent with upfront plans and periodic checks, clients can exercise the Option to take over the service team in a planned fashion
  • Seamless transfer of ODC into your wholly owned subsidiary
Value Proposition
  • For customers who want benefits of an ODC through a partner and looking to eventually establish their own offshore business. We manage it for an agreed period of time and then assist you with company set-up and transition of the team to your new offshore entity.
    Creates a valuable corporate asset while reducing cost and improving organizational performance.

Progress Path


  1. Staffing needs – initial, scaling
  2. Quality processes
  3. HR processes
  4. Capital equipment needs
  5. Facilities
  6. NDA provisions
  7. Reporting needs
  8. Financial outlays –start-up costs, on-going costs, transition costs
  9. Contingency planning, risk mitigation
  10. Contractual Framework for transfer of ownership
  11. Governance


  1. Startup knowledge transfer
  2. Interview, training and certification processes
  3. Quality processes
  4. Reporting
  5. Governance


  1. Project / process tracking
  2. Quality audits
  3. Reporting
  4. Governance
  5. Transition planning
    • People
    • Process
    • Facilities
    • Equipment


  1. Transition planning
    • People
    • Process
    • Facilities
    • Equipment
  2. Executing the transition

Execution Path/ Timelines

Duration Stage
Week 1 Letter of Intent
Week 2 Finalization of contract, approvals
Week 3-6 Infrastructure, People
Week7-10 Stabilization Phase
Week 11-12 Dedicated team is in place